Why install a backup camera? Are you concerned with reversing safely? Ever wondered which camera is right for your make and model of vehicle?
Everyone is talking about using cameras in their cars, and At the moment, there are a large number of different camera products on the market.
Nowadays, the Backup Camera System are especially interesting for easy reversing. The main reason for installing a backup camera is safety. Around fifty children are backed over by vehicles every week in the U.S. Every tragedy is one too many.

The module will allow your current car system to accept a backup camera. This means whenever you go into reverse the camera turns on and you can safely back up. Very simple install and your car will work just like it would if it came out of the factory with that option.
There are wired and wireless versions that deliver the camera image to the screen in front of the driver. Of course, the most interesting versions are those whose module will allow your current car system to accept a backup camera. This means whenever you go into reverse the camera turns on and you can safely back up. Very simple install and your car will work just like it would if it came out of the factory with that option.
Usually, Backup Cameras are mounted on the license plate for a clean and secure look. It will plug into your Saab stock system and these cameras are wide-angle – With 120° everything behind the vehicle can easily be seen without distortion. The higher degree cameras such as the 170° have more of a fisheye look. With wireless cameras you will not have to run a cable from the back of the car to the module in the front.
However, having a backup camera does mean the driver should not use mirrors to check for cars approaching when backing out of a parking space. Please watch out for those who don’t use either mirrors or backup sensors.
Esky 170° Viewing Angle Universal Car License Plate Frame Mount Rear View Camera is Good and cheap backup camera, but the video output is an RCA cord. This means it is wired, and you would have to run a wire all the way to the dash.
Another interesting camera is this one 4UCAM WiFi Backup Camera – $117 for a wireless bluetooth camera for Iphone and Android phones. Also, check this rear view OEM camera by Boost Custom.
For SAAB 9,3 1,9 TiD cabrio 2007
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