Magnus Sandlund from SandlundArt says new shiny modelcars are boring, and that these models need to breathe life.
Just that he does – Magnus revives these models, and really put his heart in every model, convinced that it will be his best – full realism is what he aiming for. Just look at these models and you will understand what we’re talking.

Among the many models there are several fantastic reto Saab cars, and the last in the series is the Saab 92. The project is still under construction, but we believe that after the completion of the works will be fantastic. The customer wants from Magnus to give it black wheels, roof rack, a front fender in a different color and some rust and dirt.

if you want the model of your favorite car send a message to Magnus – The 1/43 cars usually costs 159 EUR and the 1/18 cars 369 EUR.