SAAB Safety

SAAB cars are among the safest cars in the world, which has been proven many times both in laboratory tests and in practice, on roads around the world.

Saab 99 drop test - after falling from a height of 2.4 meters
Saab HistorySAAB Safety

Saab 99 Drop test

Saab has always shown an extraordinary dedication to safety, and many lives have been saved by its designs. According to all international crash safety organisations, drivers and passengers are much more likely to survive a crash in a Saab than in...

Saab saved drivers life
SAAB Safety

A drunk driver saved by Saab

Some people have more luck than sense... The only safe blood alcohol level for driving is 0.00%.  Even one drink can impair your driving. But the Polish Saab driver not drink just one drink, he drank a lot more. His  Blood Alcohol...

Saab 9-3 wreck
SAAB Safety

Saab Saved Crazed Driver

This crazed driver had incredible luck, his luck was that he was sitting in the Saab 9-3... A man (Saab 9-3 driver) was taken to the Baker County (Oregon, USA) jail Wednesday for allegedly leading Oregon State Police troopers on a...

SAAB Safety

Saab In-Car Safety Instructions (PDFs)

In-car safety can be a confusing area for parents and carers. They may find that they aren’t completely clear about the law, are unsure of the safest way for their child to travel, aren’t using the most appropriate restraint or...

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