SAAB Safety

SAAB cars are among the safest cars in the world, which has been proven many times both in laboratory tests and in practice, on roads around the world.

Saab 9-5 Accident in latvia
SAAB Safety

Saab driver saved by his 9-5

People who were saved by a Saab usually buy another one...and I'm sure will do the same this unfortunate Saab 9-5 driver from Latvia. Very serious car accident took place in Latvian city Rēzekne (23/04/15). Driving over the bridge, Saab 9-5 driver run off the...

Saab 9-5 Moose Crash Test
SAAB Safety

Saab in Moose Crash Test Project

Magnus Gens Master’s Thesis ( in Vehicle Engineering) project was initiated in 1994 and sponsored by Skyltfonden of the Swedish Road Administration, and thesis was successfully defended in 2001. In certain areas of our planet there are big wild animals. One...

SAAB Safety

Saab 9-5 collided with a Audi

Last week in Turkey occurred minor traffic accident. The crash involved a Audi and a Saab 9-5. Audi has suffered significant damage, while Saab passed only with scratches - simply, Soft side of a car against hard front. Damaged Audi...

SAAB Safety

Saab 9-3 saved two lives

YallCatisPurrty repored this interesting Saab story on Reddit. He said: "Almost 3 Years Ago  My Life and my Moms Were saved By our 2007 Saab 9-3, Thank You". And continues his story: "Well, its been almost 3 years so its kinda fuzzy...

SAAB Safety

Saab Driving Safety

When you drive, your attention should focus on the road and the surrounding traffic. The actual skills involved in driving should be more intuitive. To support this, your Saab conveys vital signals from the chassis, engine and brakes as distinctly...

SAAB Safety

Saab 900 Roof Strength

In the picture above you can see Another example of SAAB safety. Inverted drop testing is one of many options the manufacturers of vehicles have to test the strength of the roofs of the vehicles that they build. In a...

SAAB Safety

Saab-Volvo Accident just before the New Year

Every year, hundreds of lives are senselessly lost in drinking related car crashes, and the hours just before and  after New Year’s Eve present one of the most dangerous times for these tragedies. Fortunately, the collision of thise "two Swede"...

SAAB Safety

Saab 9000 drop test

Unusual way to test Saab 9000 Safety in collision :) 9000 -  still runs like a swiss watch,all things considered like price,safety,performance,build,comfort etc it's without question the best 5 door car ever built. Cross section to show the different strength...

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