SAAB Safety

SAAB cars are among the safest cars in the world, which has been proven many times both in laboratory tests and in practice, on roads around the world.

Saab Rescue Data Sheets
SAAB Safety

Saab Rescue Data Sheets

As you probably already know, Saab cars are very reliable and safe, thanks to the active and passive protection systems designed by inventive Saab engineers. When we get into a situation where an accident is imminent, then we rely on...

SAAB Safety

And beyond: Saab cars save passengers

Day by day, on roads across the globe, Saab cars do their job of safely transporting passengers and rescuing them from unforeseen situations. Just one such dangerous situation happened yesterday on a local road in the western part of Sweden....

Saab after hit the moose
SAAB Safety

What it looks like when you hit a Moose

We have mentioned many times in this place the importance that Saab engineers have given to the safety of drivers and passengers in Saab vehicles. And probably, as a company, Saab may have achieved the most in this field over...

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