SAAB Tuning

Saab Cars Tuning or just art of car refinement, Saab cars are god-given for setting speed records (but also aesthetics), and here you can see the most significant examples of achievements in this field.

Saab 9-3 og
SAAB Tuning

The Mighty Saab 9-3 OG (450hp) from Zagreb

Jan Lendo, a Saab enthusiast from Zagreb (Croatia), sent us a detailed specification and description of the improvements on his favorite car - Saab 9-3OG (you can follow his IG account). In many ways, his Saab is truly remarkable. He...

Saab 900ng vs. BMW series 3
SAAB Tuning

A Surprise for a BMW driver

We already mentioned this super-tuned Saab 900NG from Poland on this blog two years ago when this car had 360 hp. Its owner has hung up a couple of new videos from which we can see that it has been...

TUned Saab Turbo X
SAAB Tuning

A mighty fine Turbo X (488bhp)

Here is another Saab project from the Aura tuning company, specialising in performance tuning for the Saab, Opel/Vauxhall and other GM cars. Well this is not your usual Saab 9-3 Turbo X, although it is a mighty fine Turbo X!...

Saab 9-5 E4
SAAB Tuning

A Huge 545 bhp Swedish sleeper

Four years ago, on this blog, we wrote about a remarkable supertuned Saab 9-5 car belonging to the director of the Saab owners club GB Adrian Summerfield (eDDmaster on uksaabs), and here we are again letting you know about the updates the...

SAAB Tuning

Saab powered Mini race car

Here's another interesting conversion, this time by a British tuning company and a specialized Saab service Neo Brothers Ltd, opting to insert a Saab engine into a classic Mini One F56. Neo Brothers Ltd are an independent car parts supplier...

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