Saabs from around the World

Meet the beautiful Saab cars that are scattered around the world and the stories of their owners.

Illustration by Annu Kilpeläinen accompanying an essay on Saab cars in the New York Times
My Saab

Saab Still Getting The Love

The New York Times, in its "LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION" section, published an interesting essay by columnist and author Georgia Cloepfil, who shared her experience with Saab cars with the entire readership under the title "The Unusual Cool of Saabs". Georgia...

Wassabi car for Jetsons
Saabs from around the World

Jetson’s Bubble SAAB

Many older car fans remember the popular cartoon "The Jetsons" that used a "flying car" in bubble form (aerocar with a transparent bubble top). This Bubble form must have cemented the idea of a flying car or a car behind space travel for many. If...

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