SAAB Clubs

Saab clubs of car enthusiasts dedicated to their favorite Swedish brand are registered and actively work around the world. Here we bring you events from Saab clubs around the world.

Saab club Spain
SAAB Clubs

2017 Spain Saab Club Annual Autumn Meeting

During October’s first weekend the Saab Club Spain celebrated its Autumn National Meeting in Madrid, 15 years after its foundation, and where up to forty vehicles of all ages full of Saab lovers (also of all ages) coming from all...

Saab 2-stroke gathering
SAAB Clubs

Gathering of the Saab 2-stroke machines in Hedemore

Famous automobile magazine Bilsport (meaning Autosport in English) published in Karlskrona, Sweden -  gathered a large number of good old Saab machines last month. Namely, the editorial department of the magazine Bilsport asked Krister Karlsson to invite his friends who...

Saab cars on Retro Motor Show
SAAB Clubs

SAABs at Retro Motor Show in Poznan

Szymon, owner of the beautiful Saab 9-5 model, wrote to us again with new Saab news from Poland. He writes to us again because of the event which will take place on Poznan International Fair in... Poznań, Poland :) he...

Carolina Saab Club
SAAB Clubs

Carolina Saab Club Picnic

Join the Carolina Saab Club (Club for Saab lovers in N.C. and S.C) on the Blue Ridge Parkway Sunday October 8th, 2017 at 14:00 for a cruise along the parkway followed by a short hike to Beacon Heights and a potluck...

Saab Meeting
SAAB Clubs

SAAB meeting in Moravia – JEDOVNICE 2017

Last weekend we organized again biggest SAAB meeting in Moravia - JEDOVNICE 2017. Thanks to Saab enthusiast Pavel aka Aedd Gynvael we have a report from meeting of Czech Republic Saab club (SAABunderground), and a big gallery from that gathering. It was...

Saab Bulgaria Meeting
SAAB Clubs

Saab Forum Bulgaria – National Summer Meeting

Here's another photo-report from another national Meeting of Bulgarian Saab owners and the admirers of our favorite brand. They are mostly members of the Saab Forum Bulgaria  and they gathered in a pretty large number. The Saabevent lasts for three days (1-3 September)...

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