SAAB Clubs

Saab clubs of car enthusiasts dedicated to their favorite Swedish brand are registered and actively work around the world. Here we bring you events from Saab clubs around the world.

SAAB Support Convoy Czech Republic
SAAB Clubs

SAAB SUPPORT CONVOY 2017 – Czech republic

Pavel from Czech Saab club sent us a report of the last meeting of Saab enthusiasts Last weekend they realized SAAB SUPPORT CONVOY 2017 - Czech republic. This year is a 7th anniversary of 2010 original Save Saab support convoy....

Saab Session Slovakia 2016
SAAB Clubs

Video from Saab Session Slovakia 2016

Saab Session Slovakia 2016, as well as the largest gathering of Saab cars fans  in Slovakia was held in mid-October, but now we got a video report from meeting. Saab rally was held in Ružomberok - Hrabovo from 7 to 9...

Saab CLub Taiwan Meeting 2016
SAAB Clubs

2016 Saab Club Meeting in Taiwan

Community of Saab fans in Taiwan is very strong. We wrote about them already here, they regularly organize meetings, exhibitions and a joint drive. So it was this time, the last gathering of Saab fans held last weekend. And thanks to...

Saab Fest 2016 Saint-Petersburg 20 August
SAAB Clubs

Saab Fest 2016 – St. Petersburg [video]

20 August this year in Saint-Petersburg held a big Saab Fest 2016 - Festival of Saab brand fans, fans from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Whole festival was Supported by OOO "ASS" Car Service network. The organizers of this great gathering...

Saab Club Espana
SAAB Clubs

Spanish Saab Owners Club Gathering [video]

Spanish Saab Owners club (Club Saba España) has held the autumn meeting in Esterri d'Àneu (Catalan Pyreness - Spain) during October 2016. At the gathering there were not many members of the club - "Saabistas", but those who joined the rally enjoyed...

SAAB Clubs

Larochette Saab Autumn Meeting 2016 [video]

Now traditional, 3. International Saab Autumn Meeting (As we announced on this blog) was held from 16 to 18 September in the picturesque Luxembourg town Larochette.  Saab fans from numerous European countries have attempted this meeting from the very beginning. Matthias Ketterl sent us this...

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