SAAB Clubs

Saab clubs of car enthusiasts dedicated to their favorite Swedish brand are registered and actively work around the world. Here we bring you events from Saab clubs around the world.

SAAB Clubs

SAABs@Carlisle – May 20th, 21st and 22nd 2016

Founded in 1985, The Central Penn SAAB Club, a non-profit organization, is a group of family oriented SAAB enthusiasts who enjoy driving our SAABs. They have been recognized nationally as one of the most active SAAB Clubs in North America,  and the most...

SOC 2016
SAAB Clubs

Saab Owners Convention 2016

The Saab Club of North America is pleased to announce that the location of the 2016 Saab Owner’s Convention will be in the land of peaches and hospitality, Georgia. SCNA has contracted the Marriott Evergreen Resort in Stone Mountain, Georgia...

Saab Australia Meeting
SAAB Clubs

Australian SAAB Enthusiasts Meeting

The Saabers of Adelaide (Australia) had a cruise yesterday morning and it was enjoyed by all. Started at Saab, Mawson Lakes, picked up others along the way and finished at North Haven. Saab enthusiasts in Australia are gathered around a few...

SAAB Clubs

Saab in Year of the Monkey

2016 is the 4713th Chinese Year. According to Chinese Horoscope calendar, the first day of Red Monkey is on February 4, 2016. This day is not the Chinese New Year Day. The annual "Lunar New Year Cars & Kopi" meetup...

Saab Club Finland - Winterdays 2016
SAAB Clubs

Saab Club Finland – Winterdays 2016 [video]

Late last month, the Saab Club Finland has organized winter gathering of fans of the Saab brand Joutsa / Hartola Finland. This Saab club also holds a number of big events  throughout the year. Other gatherings involve autocrosses, driving schools, rallies, tours and...

Saab Day in Breda
SAAB Clubs

Saab Day for Charity in the Netherlands

Irene Lagendijk made a short video recap of the Saab Day event for Charity in the Netherlands that was organized by 2 students, Britt Mink and Maud Coolen. They've made a Saab route, arranged lunch for Saabers and they also gave an...

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