SAAB Clubs

Saab clubs of car enthusiasts dedicated to their favorite Swedish brand are registered and actively work around the world. Here we bring you events from Saab clubs around the world.

Saab Club Meeting (photo by peterolthof)
SAAB Clubs

The Saab Autumn Meetings 2021

Saab owners club: Saabs are no longer made, but there are plenty of people who cherish their beloved Swedish cars. There are a number of SOC and Saab events planned for 2021. So far all are still going ahead. The...

Saab Convention Track Day 2021
SAAB Clubs

The Saab Track Day 2021

The Saab community in America is thriving thanks to the efforts of Mr. Allan Holmes and his team at The SAAB Club of North America (SCNA). They organize events and gather the Saab community together to celebrate and appreciate the...

96&95-Posten, the new Special Edition of 9-Posten with articles only about Saab 95&96 (M60-M80), is soon available in the webshop.
SAAB Clubs

Norwegian Old Saab Club Activities

Saabklubben Gammalsaabens Venner (GSV), or or translated from Norwegian, "the Club of Friends of Old Saab Cars", was founded in 1977, the focus was only on two-strokes, at that time. Gradually, the focus was expanded to all Saab cars, ie...

2021 Saab 900 Meeting Hungary
SAAB Clubs

Saab 900 Club Meeting in Black Valley

There are several large Saab clubs in Hungary, but also several specialized ones such as the Saab 900 Club Hungary (Saab 900 Klub Magyarország), which brings together only fans of the legendary 900 model. This is globally one of the...

Saab Owners' Convention 2021
SAAB Clubs

Saab Owners Convention 2021 in Albany is ON!

Despite the great problems created by the global pandemic, Saab events around the world are still taking place. According to the latest announcements of the organizers There will be a Saab Owners’ Convention in 2021! Save those dates now: July...

Saab Session Slovakia 2020
SAAB Clubs


With a little delay, we present you a short report from the traditional gathering of Saab car fans in Slovakia called "Saab Session Slovakia". Instead of the end of October, the gathering was held in the first half of October...

Saab Support Convoy 11th Anniversary Brno
SAAB Clubs

SAAB Support Convoy 11th Anniversary

Exactly eleven years ago, sometime in mid-January of that year, Saab enthusiast clubs around the world organized the so-called the International Saab Support Convoys. On that occasion, a large number of Saab car owners gathered at gatherings around the world...

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