This is very interesting custom made 1973 Saab Sonnet is for Sale, an listed on Craiglist.
Owners did so much work to the exterior but the interior is bone stock. Older paint job shows some wear and age still very presentable and a great driver car, currently in nice Silver color with deep purble stripes. A great car that looks good and runs well.
On the car are made large modifications… There may be people who like this mods or those who hate this modifications. Certainly, it is a very interesting instance of the third-generation Sonett’s.
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SAAB Sonett lll (1970) This car was presented at the New York Automobile show in 1970 it was based on a proposal by Italian designer Sergio Coggiola.
Well, imho it’s an ugly bastard of a sonett. The seller also seems to have no idea what the car is. Rear wheel drive???
A lost classic, sadly….