To this day, quite a number of Saab cars travel the world and make their passengers safe. And this is also evidenced by the latest unfortunate event that happened on UK roads. This is one of the worst collisions we have seen on UK roads involving Saab cars.
When you look at the wreckage after a collision you can only think – “This is one of those cases – I wouldn’t have thought it possible to survive that”. As Saab drivers an enthusiasts used to say “another Saab gave it’s life to save yours”.

You must be wondering – Bloody hell what happened? According to the driver, Girl in another car lost control of her car on a bend, wound up on Saab 9-3 side of the road, both going 60mph – Saab driver aimed away from her so she just hit the front-drivers side, rather than totally head on. They sent a police family liaison officer and everything, they were convinced there would be life-changing injuries. But, Driver Managed to escape just with a broken wrist, some heavy bruising across his chest and fairly bad whiplash…these things are built like tanks.
He Just span around her…got out of the passenger door and walked down the road a bit!
Also, the girl who caused the collision, She was in a Seat Ibiza – car was in bad shape but she escaped with a broken foot – fairly lucky, considering she hit a “tank”. Fortunately, the injuries were so minor, and the Saab driver came out the passenger door, which was completely intact.
As in most similar cases so far, the lucky driver opted to buy another Saab car. Considering he buying another Saab car makes we think he was impressed and happy he not pushing up daisies.
Iv owned 5 Saabs and we have taken care of each other. Will drive Saabs for many years to come and wish i never have to spend one like this.
Efter att GM köpte Saab försvann mycket av själen i företaget. Sen kan man lätt konstatera att GM endast köpte upp Saab för att mjölka företaget på alla de tekniska innovationerna som Saab var kända för långt innan, och som de fortfarande odlade efter uppköpet, då GM saknade sånt..