Saabs from around the World

Son Reunites with His Father’s Dream Car – A Saab 99 with a Story!

A dream is not just a bold imagination in a dream, but a good expectation for what you care about. Such an expectation is worthy of pursuit and action, and more worthy of our applause. Applause and admiration for this Taiwanese young man – Mr. Lu – who made his father’s dreams come true.

Taiwanese Love Cars

Although not in Europe, the United States, or Japan in countries that have a long history of car manufacturing, almost all Taiwanese have a strong connection to cars. Cars entered the life of Taiwanese very early, making cars, in addition to being a means of transportation, also become irreplaceable in Taiwanese memories.

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Fulfilling Out Car Dreams

Naturally, after having a certain financial strength, many car fans will find ways to buy the old car that belongs to him. This car may be the memory of traveling with his family, or it may be looking at the poster in the room and telling himself “Grow up.” Be sure to buy one after the promise. In any case, this is a kind of beautiful fun exclusively for car lovers.

Of course, after gaining some financial strength, many car lovers will find a way to buy their old car that once belonged to him or belongs to someone from his family. This car may be the memory of traveling with his family, or it may be looking at the poster in the room and telling himself “Grow up. (and Buy)” Be sure to buy one after promising yourself. Anyway, this is a kind of beautiful passion exclusively for car lovers.

Chasing His Father’s Dreams

Exactly one such case is the case of Mr. Lu Daniel, who has worked so hard to find a car, not to satisfy himself, but to fulfill a dream his father had when he was young. Daniel’s father is also a man who loves cars, and he passed that love of cars on to his son. But unlike most car fans, Daniel likes to play with “old vehicles”, especially motorcycles.

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Father “Saab” Influence

He owns many classic motorcycles from the 70s to 80s, such as BMW R45, Honda CD125, etc. As for the four-wheeler, Daniel only used the SAAB 9000 “passed down” by his father. In addition to his love of old cars, he also likes SAAB because of his father’s influence. He remembers his father told him when he was a child that the performance, handling, deisgn and other aspects of “SAAB” are better than other European brands, and the safety part is “unmatched by other cars.”

Mr. Lu Daniel adores his Saab 9000 which he inherited from his father
Mr. Lu Daniel adores his Saab 9000 which he inherited from his father

So while he didn’t opt for a luxury called the new car, it was the SAAB 9000’s ride that made Daniel feel relaxed and relieved.

Father’s Unrealized Saab 99

I drive this Saab for myself, not for others. And the most important thing for me is to enjoy what I want.” – Daniel has always had a dream to realize. He knew that his father originally liked SAAB 99, but because there was no SAAB dealership in Taiwan at the time. Therefore, it was not until Shangfu Automobile became SAAB’s general agent in Taiwan in 1981 that Daniel’s father chose SAAB 9000, and it has been used ever since.

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In order to fulfill his father’s dream when he was young, Mr. Lu tried his best to find a 1982 SAAB 99 and commissioned a full refurbishment by Shangfu Company. The production year of SAAB 99 is from 1967 to 1984, which occupies an important and irreplaceable classic status in the history of the SAAB brand and the hearts of car fans.

Saab 99 during restoration
Saab 99 during restoration

Search, Retrieval and Restoration

Since Shangfu didn’t introduce it to the Taiwan market at the time, it is said that this car should be the only one in Taiwan. When Daniel searched for a long time, he found that there was only the 1976 SAAB 99 owned by Mr. Chen, a businessman. But everyone knows Mr. Chen’s love for cars. No wonder Mr. Lu worked so hard. The painstaking part is not only deciding on the purchase of the vehicle, but also the follow-up work related to the refurbishment of the vehicle. Mr. Lu was hesitated for a time. Unwilling to give up, Daniel continued to search and mobilized various relationships to “find a car in Taiwan”. Finally, he found a blue 99 that had been stopped for many years in a warranty factory in the central part. It is reported that this is also the only remaining number in Taiwan. “So the dream became a plan.”

However, as the Yahoo autos article said before, “The good expectations of what you care about are worthy of your courage. Pursue and act.” The company that hired Saab 99 for restoration managed to meet the expectations of the client, and they are about to complete the vehicle renovation and deliver it to the owner. Finally, I must add that this 99 is a surprise gift that Daniel intends to give his father after completion. We can’t wait to see his father’s reaction when his son hands him this new Saab 99.

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Goran Aničić
the authorGoran Aničić
For over 15 years, Goran Aničić has been passionately focused on Saab automobiles and everything related to them. His initial encounter with Saab cars took place back in 2003 when the first Saab 9-3 and sedan version were introduced. At that moment, he was captivated by the car's Scandinavian design logic and top-notch engineering, and everything that followed stemmed from that first encounter. Later on, through his work at the editorial team of the Serbian automotive magazines "Autostart" and later "AutoBild," he had the opportunity to engage more closely with Saab vehicles. In 2008, he tested the latest Saab cars of that time, such as the Saab 9-3 TTiD Aero and Saab 9-3 Turbo X. In 2010, as the sole blogger from the region, he participated in the Saab 9-5ng presentation in Trollhättan, Sweden. Alongside journalists from around the world, he got a firsthand experience of the pinnacle of technological offerings from Saab at that time. Currently, Goran owns two Saabs: a 2008 Saab 9-3 Vector Sportcombi with a manual transmission, and a Saab 9-3 Aero Griffin Sport Sedan from the last generation, which rolled off the production line in Trollhättan in December 2011.


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