Developing a new car, based on a completely new platform takes about three to four years. NEVS are currently working on a new platform of 100 percent electric vehicles for a global market in a few years time. What about you, are you ready to switch from fossils to electric?
An EU directive, expected to come into effect by 2019, suggests that every new or refurbished house in Europe will need to be equipped with an electric vehicle recharging point.

Add that to the recently announced plans from both Norway, The Netherlands and Germany to completely ban sales of new vehicles with combustion engines by 2025 resp. 2030
“Electric cars could be more affordable if the production process was more efficient. Thanks to technology and the vision of an upstart Swedish electric car manufacturer, things are soon likely to change.”
Read about how NEVS is paving way by implementing a new robust and fully operational global vehicle manufacturing process chain, in SAP article “Why More People Are One Step Closer to Driving an Electric Car“.