Jari Luoma from Finland owner is a very special Classic Saab car – 1976 Saab 96 V4 called “Helga” with a large number of modifications.
Jari has sent us his interesting Saab story about this special car. He bought this Saab many years ago from his friend and the he used it as a hunting car. If you’re wondering why – answer is simple – you can go to bad places without any problems. Finally, it was in very bad condition everywhere that he forgot about it and it was left behind his factory for more than 10 years?!

He had to do something, and he decided to renovate. In the beginning his idea was to do a low rider with air suspension, modified roof, but all so that you can still use it for normal driving witout being afraid. Also, one of the goals was that people should look at it and ask “what is this car’? Look like something I know but what“…

Today you can only really see how low it is when you have an original next to it. The result is really remarkable, and it should be noted that in the renovation project involved a lot of Jari’s friends. The V4 has a great engine bit he wanted a bit more power and noise of course, from it. Mr. Erkki Rinta-Kari has done hundreds of rally engines and has all the knowledgeof what of what to do so that it will be easy to drive.

Helga is fine… period…
Undra va de ä för grill? Custom kanske
Fy fan vad fult , förstört bilen.
Yikes nasty
Varför inte.
Is this lowridering some nasty infection from america or it popped out of nowhere?
They are always different looking
Varför förstöra med sänkning inte vackert
Smaken e som baken, delad!
Att kunna förstöra en kultbil så till den milda grad är en prestation. Hur tänkte man att blanda SAAB och VOLVO är som att blanda ÄPPLEN OCH PÄRON OCH TRO ATT DET SKULLE SMAKA
My apologies. While I applaud the outcome, I bemoan the use of a classic. Probably scrap anyway.
There are more rusted Saabs in Sweden than there are buyers, especially buyers who either have the opportunity and ability to restore them or pay what it costs to restore them. The alternative is not an original car, it is a car that will rust away in a car graveyard. Worthless metal.