This is very Interesting micro-gadget for boost fanatics – Spinning ball-bearing turbokeychain with spooling sound ( Spins by blowing air into keychain). It doesn’t matter whether you turbo a lawn mower, moped, go-kart, motorcycle, import, domestic, airplane, boat, guys from Turboechains think it’s just simply fun.
Turbo Keychain produce a small fully functional microturbines as a keychain. They currently offer 12 different models microturbines. They started with a basic turbo keychain, now they have a whole family of advanced turbo keychains. They design, develop, and push the envelope of new keychain technology on a daily basis.

Here’s an interesting video showing the work of one microturbines that they offer – model KCT-11BB. Complete redesign that includes twin shield chrome steel ball bearings. All KCT-11BB’s are certified to spin at minimum of 35,000 RPMs @ 3PSI. Some can achieve up to 55,000 RPMS with human power. This video is product test footage at operational limits, theoretical design limits, and grossly exceeding limits in attempt to induce catastrophic impeller failure.. Unbelievably, see boost: