NEVS Cancels Deal with EV Electra: Reviving the Saab Heritage with Emily GT!

NEVS takes a bold step to independently revive the iconic Emily GT, preserving Saab's legacy and future innovation.

NEVS Emily GT: A glimpse into the future of Saab's electric revival, as negotiations unfold for this iconic legacy in the world of electric mobility.

A Sudden Turn of Events

Earlier today, NEVS CEO Nina Selander announced a significant change in the company’s direction regarding the Emily GT and PONS projects. The deal with EV Electra has been canceled due to unfulfilled terms in the agreement.

This unexpected development marks a pivotal moment for NEVS, which will now proceed with these projects independently. The announcement brings a mix of relief and renewed hope for the revival of the iconic Saab heritage.

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Nina Selande behind the wheel of one of the NEVS Emily GT prototypes
Nina Selande behind the wheel of one of the NEVS Emily GT prototypes

Reasons Behind the Cancellation

The primary reason for canceling the deal with EV Electra was the failure to meet specific terms of the agreement. NEVS had initially planned to support EV Electra in establishing a future company in Trollhättan, focusing on both technical development and production.

However, EV Electra’s intentions to move production outside Sweden and the lack of secured development in Trollhättan led NEVS to reconsider the partnership. With EV Electra not fulfilling their obligations, NEVS decided it was in their best interest to move forward without them.

Technical details of the agreement

Since the agreement with EV Electra hasn’t been finalized, they never had access to any technical data, hardware, IP, or other forms of documentation related to the Emily GT or PONS projects. This ensures that all critical information remains secure within NEVS. With that said, this is not the end for Emily GT or PONS. NEVS remains committed to these projects and is determined to continue their development independently, preserving the vision and potential they hold.

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The NEVS Emily GT prototype on display at eCarExpo, capturing the spotlight with its innovative design and electric prowess in Gothenburg.

Protecting the Saab Legacy

One of the key motivations behind NEVS’s decision is the preservation of the Saab legacy. Despite losing time due to the halted agreement, NEVS is determined to keep the spirit of Saab alive. The Emily GT project, which embodies the innovative and pioneering spirit of Saab, will remain under NEVS’s control. This decision ensures that the technical data, hardware, intellectual property, and other crucial documentation related to the Emily GT and PONS projects stay within the company.

ESQS AB: Proudly Crafting Wheels for the Exciting NEVS Emily GT Project (Photo by Emil Sjöqvist)
ESQS AB: Proudly Crafting Wheels for the Exciting NEVS Emily GT Project (Photo by Emil Sjöqvist)

Future Plans for Emily GT and PONS

With the deal with EV Electra off the table, NEVS is now focusing on revitalizing the Emily GT and PONS projects internally. The company remains committed to its vision of producing advanced electric vehicles that honor the Saab heritage. NEVS aims to develop these projects with the same dedication and expertise that characterized their previous successes. The team at NEVS is optimistic about the future and hopes to see Emily GT on the roads, bringing joy to Saab enthusiasts and the Trollhättan community.

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Community and Employee Reactions

The announcement has sparked a wave of mixed reactions among employees and the local community. While there is disappointment over the lost time, there is also a strong sense of hope and determination. NEVS employees, many of whom have deep ties to the Saab legacy, are motivated to contribute to the company’s renewed efforts. The Trollhättan community, which has a rich history with Saab, is eagerly anticipating positive developments and the potential resurgence of local automotive production.

New NEVS facilities: Offering various packages including office space rentals, temporary event spaces with or without lunch and snacks, and diverse storage options.
New NEVS facilities: Offering various packages including office space rentals, temporary event spaces with or without lunch and snacks, and diverse storage options.


NEVS’s decision to cancel the deal with EV Electra marks a significant shift in their strategy, reflecting their commitment to preserving the Saab heritage and pursuing the Emily GT and PONS projects independently. Despite the challenges, NEVS remains focused on its mission to innovate and produce electric vehicles that resonate with the Saab legacy.

The future of Emily GT looks promising, and NEVS is poised to turn this setback into an opportunity for growth and revival. As the company moves forward, they carry the hopes and dreams of their employees, supporters, and the Trollhättan community, all eagerly awaiting the return of Saab’s innovative spirit on the roads.

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Losing time is never desirable, but losing the Saab heritage would have been far worse. NEVS remains determined not to let that dream go to waste. Many within the company are working tirelessly to ensure that the legacy of Saab continues through the Emily GT and PONS projects.

They recognize the countless supporters who share their passion and hope to see the Emily GT roll on the roads once more. For these supporters, and for Trollhättan, NEVS remains optimistic and dedicated, aiming to bring a positive turn to this journey in the near future.

Goran Aničić
the authorGoran Aničić
For over 15 years, Goran Aničić has been passionately focused on Saab automobiles and everything related to them. His initial encounter with Saab cars took place back in 2003 when the first Saab 9-3 and sedan version were introduced. At that moment, he was captivated by the car's Scandinavian design logic and top-notch engineering, and everything that followed stemmed from that first encounter. Later on, through his work at the editorial team of the Serbian automotive magazines "Autostart" and later "AutoBild," he had the opportunity to engage more closely with Saab vehicles. In 2008, he tested the latest Saab cars of that time, such as the Saab 9-3 TTiD Aero and Saab 9-3 Turbo X. In 2010, as the sole blogger from the region, he participated in the Saab 9-5ng presentation in Trollhättan, Sweden. Alongside journalists from around the world, he got a firsthand experience of the pinnacle of technological offerings from Saab at that time. Currently, Goran owns two Saabs: a 2008 Saab 9-3 Vector Sportcombi with a manual transmission, and a Saab 9-3 Aero Griffin Sport Sedan from the last generation, which rolled off the production line in Trollhättan in December 2011.


  • Happy to hear this. Hope NEVS are able to move forward with this. The EV Electra thing never seemed to have any credibility.

  • My hopes are that Königsegg picks up the brand. Renamed it to Sonett GT. He is the only one in Sweden who has the knowledge and experience to make this happen. His name will also add some weight for the quality of the car.

    • aside from the fact that Koenigsegg had once considered, and decided against, buying Saab, the situation would be a little bit like when Moeller bought them. A small luxury car manufacturer delving into mass market. The technical prowess of Koenigsegg is unquestioned, but the reason for this is that they have customers who pay any price. Could this approach be transferred to a car like the Emily GT?

      • if my memory is not failing, Christian von Koenigsegg did not get the Swedish State backing the loan needed for the deal. That was a huge disappointment as many, including me, had been looking forward to his reign over SAAB.
        I hope NEVS makes a Kombi (SW/Estate) version as well. The World is already full of sedans and fastbacks from various companies, but good spacious estates are rare.

    • Full support!

      Under the conditions and with the expertise of Koenigsegg this e-car could become an interesting lower-cost, still very exlusive addition to the Koenigsegg hypercars.

  • To Tony Lännbrink >
    that is one thought that be very good if Koenigsegg have go in and be owner of this extremle electric car

  • En bra dag för svensk bilindustri🇸🇪
    Det bästa som kunnat hända än att ge bort Saabarvet till en Hamaskramande antisemit som vill flytta tillverkning och utveckling från Trollhättan ! Nu kan försöka sälja sin moskeemblem brydda EV Electras baserat på en annan bil.
    Problemet det finns ingen utvecklad EV Electra bil förutom moske-emblemet !

  • NEVS has no money left? Evergrande has no money?! So, I read this to mean: we will keep on thinking about the car, and try to find another investor.
    Hopefully, this time, with a bit more of realism. May I suggest excluding people from regions where there is literally no chance to become rich by legal business? Afghanistan comes to mind, Russia, etc.

  • WOW, I am happy but not surprized. NEVS didn’t fall to the scam, as well as The City of Trollhattan and Stenhaga Holdings.

    Now its time to find the proper Swedish or European partner. Koenigsegg ? Hedin ? ???

  • Dit lijkt in principe goed nieuws. Ik vond het verhaal steeds gekker worden, en betwijfelde steeds meer of het wel een goede en serieuze match was. Wel bijzonder dat in het interview met jullie (hetgeen door EV Electra also persconferentie werd aangekondigd) hier niets over werd gezegd, en zelfs nog werd gesteld dat er aan de Emily GT werd gewerkt door hen. Maar het bericht dat NEVS recentelijk de patenten voor de varianten van de Emily GT had ingediend (en niet EV Electra) vond ik erg positief. Houd ons graag op de hoogte!

  • Ända sedan denna köparen lovade att den första bilen skulle rulla ut ur fabriken i Trollhättan på hans egen födelsedag sommaren 2024 så fattade ju vem som helst att det var bluff och båg och att han är väldigt egenkär minst sagt. Men om man påtalade det för honom, (Han sitter nämligen på Facebook och kommenterar kritik istället för att driva ett företag) så kommer det personliga påhopp, alla är emot honom och alla är rasister.

  • Den enda aktör som kan förvalta denna otroliga byggda av hög teknik och ett otroliga designer och ingenjörer bakom denna bil är SAAB själv med att flyget går in och tar hand om hela detta tekniska produkt och leder det vidare till höjder lång ovan om vad andra kan komma

  • When I saw the other clown-cars that EV Electra had tried to get going, this was the obviuos outcome of the deal… sadly – but hoping that Nevs will find a serious buyer of the project with actual experience in producing high level cars.

  • I’ve noticed Volvo design- particularly the XC40 and X30 look more like a Saab would have had the marque survived. Lost opportunity- all those loyal customers forced to go elsewhere

  • If only some investors would realise the brand of Saab and the undying loyalty of the customers they once had and they would have again 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  • Seriously get Emily US certified and open pre order books for a thousand USD reservation and get some cash flow going. I’d buy this in a heartbeat now that the ridiculous kit car/Detroit electric scammer is out of the way.

  • All NEVS had to do was look at Jihad Mohammad‘s LinkedIn page. He does present himself in a professional manner.

  • The timing is interesting, Evergrande have just been told to return $262 million in subsidies given to their EV unit. I wonder if some of those subsidies were linked to NEVS?
    Also the liquidators at Evergrande who have only just started looking at the EV unit will need to see that appropriate corporate diligence was done when NEVS was sold which clearly did not happen with the sale to EV Electra (although I’m sure at the time they were the only buyer)

  • I’d never be able to buy one anyway. One of the main reasons I drive a SAAB is I can’t afford anything else.

    • Actually rich people drive Saab here in Sweden and if you already did not know it, they are one of the best cars you can ever drive if not the best.

    • Saabs (even convertibles) are pretty cheap in the US. When I recently passed through Sweden, learnt that the convertibles still demand a pretty penny. We have quite a few here out west. Rust free…

  • I am 90.owned pretty well all the models (now a 96 sport,2011 white 2.8 cabriolet, 24 mile 93 Carlsson. Soon I will like swiveling front seats,not just for me, but for the ladies I know!

  • The SAAB heritage died when Saab stopped licensing its name to GM.
    Give it up already. As much as I like my ‘01 9-5, it sits on a GM platform. Saab died when the last og900 was built.

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