It has been a lot of posts about the eSID 03-06 but autorho HENRIK actually plans an update on eSID2 as well.
He did not want to do this now as it comes at the same time as the new eSID 03-06 but winter is coming and he finally resolved and implemented a function that has been wished and discussed many times since eSID2 was first introduced.

According to the Henrik, the following changes will be implemented:
1. Activation of Auxiliary Heater from Remote. Long press on Button 3 (see picture below) will activate heater for 30 minutes. Panic Alarm needs to be deactivated with TECH2 if the car has Theft Alarm. Visual indications will be activated to show that the start was successful and a quick visual blink once every minute when it’s running. Unlock of car will deactivate function. Note! This function will not come for eSID 03-06 at the moment, author have enough headache with the older system already :)
2. Auto detect of Engine type, to make it easier if you move the unit between cars with different engines.
3. Auto-detection of other OBD nodes on the bus. If there are other nodes reading data at the same time then eSID2 will synchronize its request between the other requests. It will work if the other nodes send requests every 100ms or slower. It’s also possible to completely disable the reading of Turbo Pressure, Airmass, DPF and Ethanol blend to not interfere with other OBD nodes but still enjoy the other eSID2 features. (SaabApp for instance)
He hopes to be ready with this update end of September/early October, and He will offer a upgrade for 270 SEK (Sweden and Outside EU) and 300 SEK (EU countries).
Note: Price including update and shipping back, you also need to pay shipping cost to Sweden.
Also, author cannot guarantee he will have time to upgrade all units, and if possible send them back in a group for better price because it’s the shipping and handling that takes all the time. He can also update the unit if you can pass by Trollhättan, contact he in that case.
Finally, he looking for owners around Trollhättan that has already an eSID2 and an auxiliary heater (typically Diesel cars). Henrik would like to update these car for free if owners can help him verify the heater function.
To order an eSID2 (or new eSID), or if you require additional informationjust send a mail to “saab.esid{aat}”
We should probably expect additional improvements and additional functions soon, so the device will probably be called eSID3 as an upgrade of the existing version.