Saab enthusiasts from Finland Toni Koskinen tried to make the old Saab’s V4 engine added Turbo Charger, and of course – he succeeded in his attempt.
His Saab 96 Turbo project has its own web page, where you can get acquainted with the details.
An old 1976 Saab 96 regained in life and additionally he installed in the car turbocharger.
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See below video – the first test V4 engine with turbo-charger:
See also another turbochargerd Ford V4 engine.
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From Sweden?!? Check your facts before posting! That man and car are both Finnish.
There used to be also another Finnish 96 Turbo project. Black 96 was equipped with Ford’s V6 engine (2.8 litres if I remember it correctly) and twin turbos. Backseat was removed and some loudspeaker elements were situated there instead of backseat.
The car (and its owner) used to visit the meetings of Saab Club Of Finland but haven’t heard anything from that car for a while.
Tomi, thanks for the info!