if you did not know, MakerBot’s Thingiverse is a thriving design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things. so far, we have found at this location and present you a large number of Saab 3D projects.
On this site you can find very interesing 3D printed things, from decorations like this Cup Holder for Saab 9-3 OG (900NG), through spare parts like this Saab 9-3 Heating Knob, to toys for kids.
hat is most important – that all the 3D models for free, all you need is to have access to a 3D printer. 3D thing that we present is one of the toys – Saab Aero X Concept 3D model. Saab Aero X was a interesting concept, first time shown at the 2006 Geneva Motor Show and this model was the basis for future Saab 9-5 NG.

This 3D model was made by stunner2211 from Austria nder the Creative Commons – Attribution – Non-Commercial license. Excellent Saabwork, we believe that this model will be interesting to many Saab fans.