Let us note to you immediately, before continuing to read the text – Although the photos look completely daunting – there were no human casualties, Saab rescued the driver again. In fact, the driver of Saab suffered only minor injuries.
Here’s what happened – last week, in the wee hours of the morning, on a local road in Poland, near the town of Janowice – the Saab 9-3 driver failed to brake and hit a large adult moose. Fire brigade, emergency medical team and police intervened on the spot. After a collision of a passenger car with an moose, a powerful animal crashed into the car in the passenger seat. It was necessary to use a crane to pull them out. The animal’s rear body fell inside the passenger seat.

The driver was taken to hospital. It turned out that he did not suffer any serious injuries. Has minor injuries and cuts. Policemen are now determining the specific circumstances of the incident.