To take the opportunity of Saab Festival 2015 and to welcome Saab fans who have travelled all the way to Trollhättan, Nevs is hosting an Open House at itsTechnical Development Center on Friday June 5.
During the one day program from 10.00-16.00, Nevs offers different time slots for a wide range of activities. Visitors will be given a guided lab tour to know how a high-quality vehicle is developed and verified.

Our EV program director will also be on-site, presenting the first produced EV. A riding experience with one of our test drivers of the Nevs produced 9-3 Aero Model Year 2014 will be provided on our professional test track.
Nevs offers shuttle transports from Saab Car Museum from 09.45.
Time: Friday June 5th between 10.00-16.00
Venue: Technical Gate, Flygfältsvägen, Trollhättan
First shuttle: kl 09.45 from Saab Car Museum
Kl. 10.00/11.00/12.00/13.00/14.00/
Lab Tour – 20 min guided tour with introduction on Nevs testing facilities
Kl. 10.30/12.30/13.30/14.30/15.30:
Seminar “From sketch to complete product” – 30 min introduction on how a high-quality vehicle is built.
Kl. 11.30: “Nevs Future” – presentation from Nevs President Mattias Bergman.
Kl. 10.00-16.00: Ride with our test drivers on the factory test track with Nevs-produced 9-3 Aeros.
Our staffs at the reception will show you the way to different activities.
Dining nearby: Restaurant Saltes is open between 11.00-15.00.
Welcome to all Saabers!