Valmet Automotive is a global pioneer in top quality contract manufacturing, but they had their (our) own top quality brand, too – Saab. The picture above is a flashback from the late 1970s with the production line bustling with various Saab models. Oh, sweet nostalgia!
I believe that you have already heard the news from yesterday, after the announcement of the beginning of the week – PSA has announced today that she bought Opel and Vauxhall. Valmet Automotive: Calibri cooked raw both car brands in Finland 1991-1997 years total of 93,978 copies!

Also, it is known that the same production line in Finland shared the Opel and Saab.
The Uusikaupunki plant has produced world-class vehicles since the 1960s – just take a look at this beautiful Saab 99. And the final inspection is carried out by sharp-eyed ladies: