Saab Inspired Furniture

Saab 900 Couch

Most people think of cars simply as modes of transportation, but some decided to turn their Saabs into amazing pieces of unique furniture and home decor.

Just remember Saab 9000 armchairs.


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Saab 9000 chairs

After you check out these Saab creations, you’ll never look at an good old Saab the same way again.

Saab flowerbeds

Cars as flowerbeds. Another use for a car that we had never considered before now. What a great way to prettify that rusty old banger in your field, and also of increasing the residual value of a nearly new Saab:

Saab Flowerbeds

Saab 9000 Soffa

It looks like a Saab 9000 Backend, but it’ll easily fit in your living room and it won’t break down. Hopefully. And that is nor all. This couch you can buy – price ~$710,

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Saab 900 Couch

Saab Bedrom

saab bedroom

Saab Scania Truck in Living Room

The owner of this extravagant fireplace clearly appreciates the in-your-face aesthetics of a SAAB-Scania truck in his/her lounge.

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Saab Scania Fireplace

Goran Aničić
the authorGoran Aničić
For over 15 years, Goran Aničić has been passionately focused on Saab automobiles and everything related to them. His initial encounter with Saab cars took place back in 2003 when the first Saab 9-3 and sedan version were introduced. At that moment, he was captivated by the car's Scandinavian design logic and top-notch engineering, and everything that followed stemmed from that first encounter. Later on, through his work at the editorial team of the Serbian automotive magazines "Autostart" and later "AutoBild," he had the opportunity to engage more closely with Saab vehicles. In 2008, he tested the latest Saab cars of that time, such as the Saab 9-3 TTiD Aero and Saab 9-3 Turbo X. In 2010, as the sole blogger from the region, he participated in the Saab 9-5ng presentation in Trollhättan, Sweden. Alongside journalists from around the world, he got a firsthand experience of the pinnacle of technological offerings from Saab at that time. Currently, Goran owns two Saabs: a 2008 Saab 9-3 Vector Sportcombi with a manual transmission, and a Saab 9-3 Aero Griffin Sport Sedan from the last generation, which rolled off the production line in Trollhättan in December 2011.

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