This is the 1972 SAAB Super Sonett at the SAAB Heritage Museum USA. This Sonett is a straight beast, with a current top speed of 208 mph (335 km/h).
This 1972 Saab Sonett III on a tube chassis with smallblock 351 Ford (RWD V8) with fuel injection and supercharged putting out over 500WHP!
Remarkably, but his is the World’s fastest street–legal Saab. Street legal & used for legla sanctioned open road (highway) racing like the Silver State Challenge in Nevada with a confirmed trap speed of 208 MPH (335km/h) at the Big Bend Open Road Race in 2006 (Fort Stockton, Texas). The Big Bend Open Road Race (BBORR), held on an isolated stretch of Texas highway between the towns of Fort Stockton and Sanderson. The first event was held in this West Texas community in 2002, when a dedicated group of enthusiasts, in conjunction with the aforementioned towns and their respective authorities, legally closed down the state highway for a day and turned open-road racing on its ear.

This car was donated to Tom Donney‘s Saab Heritage Museum USA by Paul Romano’s widow Judy of Dillon, Co.
Definitely not real Saab, but still really so crazy looking thing, and Who said SAABs aren’t really that fast?