Pavel from Czech Saab club sent us a report of the last meeting of Saab enthusiasts
Last weekend they realized SAAB SUPPORT CONVOY 2017 – Czech republic. This year is a 7th anniversary of 2010 original Save Saab support convoy.

Sunday morning they met together at IKEA Brno. They breakfasted and went to Lednice. Guys from SAAB CLUB SLOVAKIA waited for they there. Czech Saab fans made some mass photos and have lunch at local restaurant. Than they made convoy from Lednice to Mikulov. At this meeting gathered 49 Saab cars (OG900’s, 9000’s, 9-3 Viggen, TurboX, OG9-5, NG9-5’s…).
In Mikulov they parked at main square (normally pedestrian zone) and visited Dietrichstein tomb. It was beautiful day with lot of Saab enthusiasts. We don’t know if other Saab clubs still make this anniversary Save Saab Support Convoys but they do! And they will!
Thanks to Pavel and Czech Saab team, and See you next year at SSC2018 – Czech republic.
A little photo gallery you can see here., and ove photo from original 2010 Save Saab Convoy: