Search Results for: Ken Block

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Saab cabrio festival
SAAB Clubs

SAAB Convertible Day 2019

Last weekend, July 14th, at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in Red Hook, NY, USA, held a rally of a large number of Saab Convertible car owners, called "Saab: Vert Fest"....

SAAB Clubs

Saabs United GB 2019

Fanstatic Saab 1 day event in UK, £6 per person entry. Open to all saab owners. Fantastic venue. Trade stalls. Demonstrations and more. Organisers have chosen pilgrim bandits as their...

Saabtoberfest 2018 California
SAAB Clubs

Great Saabtoberfest 2018 Event!

As we announced, the Saabtoberfest 2018 was held last weekend at SAAB Replay (Saab Replay is the East Bay's independent Saab & Mini Cooper workshop) in Berkeley, California. Randy from SAAB Replay  provided the opportunity...

Saab 99 hanging on railway bridge
SAAB Safety

How tough is a Saab?

There's a pic in book "The 99 & 900 Story" by Lance Cole, while they're explaining the extensive accident research Saab did during the 60's & 70's, where they actaully...

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