We have already written on this blog about the fantastic works of Magnus Sandlund from SandlundArt. As he says, his works are not glittering and Shiny, his models were brought to perfection in details – and models have a certain patina and even rust.
Look at this Saab 96 model, Magnus Made this a while ago, as a birthday gift to a true Saab lover. Is there a better gift for a real lover in old Saab cars?

This build brought him very much joy, but it was demanding for sure. A lot of detailing, like all the items for the interior, roof rack with bed, rust holes, removal of body trim, total repaint etc. Base model is the MCG Saab V4 (1/18 scale), the same as he is building his Le Mans 96 out of.
He makes the scaled models of other cars, of course, but also the Saab cars. He Started a new round of comission work, but found a little bit of time for the 2019 Le Mans Saab 96. About his new project he says: “Mock-up with new wheels and rear spoiler. Don’t really like the ”swan-neck-attached” wings on modern Le Mans cars. So I went for the ”jet-fighter-look”. What could be more suitable for a Saab?… It’s a long way to go before it’s finished, but I have to figure out a paint scheme! Any thoughts? Maybe two shades of solid blue or green? Dark grey wheel centers? What do you think?”
The car model is really exceptional, and we want to finish it successfully until the end. And of course, we want him to make many more of these similar models – because he does it very well, just perfect.