The Official Saab Club España will celebrate its spring national meeting the weekend from June 2-4th 2017 in the city of Burgos (Castilla y Leon)
As many of you’ll think, it’s too close to Trollhattan Festival. Right, but perhaps that’s why it might be a good alternative for those who prefer to focus their jets to the south instead of (or before) to the north.
The city of Burgos has a monumental set of exceptional Gothic architecture headed by its cathedral, and in its surroundings are located some of the largest archaeological and paleontological sites existing, with fossils of four different species of hominids: the Atapuerca yaciments. We’ll visit it on Saturday morning in our Saabs convoy.

Due the nature of the city, the rest of the concentration has been designed to enjoy its historic downtown walking, as well as its overwhelming gastronomy, of which you have an impressive variety to choose at the program, as well as free time to discover by yourselves the narrow streets fulls of tapas and wines.
From the Saab Club Spain they want to invite all those fans of Saab, History, good gastronomy, good weather and best atmosphere to join us in this special weekend, which you can consider a pre-tour of IntSaab2017 in Dinslaken, Germany.

You are all more than welcome. Please take a look of the activities program at the following link.
And feel free to ask any doubt in our guests thread of Saab club forum.