Orio‘s net sales for the second quarter of 2018 decreased by 23 percent compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year and amounted to MSEK 165 (214). Operating profit for the quarter was MSEK 4 (2).
For the period January to June 2018, net sales amounted to MSEK 319 (399), a decrease by 20 percent compared to the corresponding period last year. Operating profit for the period amounted to MSEK 3 (3).
The decline in net sales compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year is partly explained by the fact that the recall campaign that gave a significant contribution to revenues in 2017 now no longer has the same positive impact.
At the same time, increased activities within the Saab business have made it possible for us to protect our margins and market shares in most markets compared to the same quarter last year, says Jonas Tegström, CEO of Orio AB.
The logistics business has grown in relation to 2017 and we have received further contracts during the spring, which gave a positive effect.
Cash flow from operations for the quarter was MSEK 5 (-6) and the equity ratio per 30 June 2018 was 73 percent (75).