Tag Archives: crash test

The Saab 9-3 after an unbelted frontal crash test at 40 km/h, showcasing the strength of its passive safety features—protecting occupants even in extreme conditions.

Saab 9-3 Unbelted Crash Test: Proving Passive Safety Excellence Beyond Seatbelts

This article dives into an unusual safety test conducted on the Saab 9-3 by MGA Research, showcasing the car's passive safety capabilities without relying on seatbelts. As an automotive journalist with years of experience covering Saab, I explore the results that underscore Saab’s unmatched commitment to driver and passenger protection, even when safety belts aren’t in use.

Saab 96
SAAB Funny

SAAB 96 SG-2 funny crash-test

Saab 96 SG-2 is not the car that will save Saab. It's just funny magazin "Classics" Editor's vision of how a safety car from Saab could have looked like in the 1970s. We believe that the crash test did not...

Saab and moose in real life crash test
SAAB Safety

Frontal collision of Saab and Moose in Poland

Living in in the northern hemisphere, especially in Scandinavia or for example, in the north Poland comes with certain risks, such as the risk of wildlife related body damage.  Because moose, deer and elk are common throughout Scandinavia, where Saabs...

Saab 99 drop test - after falling from a height of 2.4 meters
Saab HistorySAAB Safety

Saab 99 Drop test

Saab has always shown an extraordinary dedication to safety, and many lives have been saved by its designs. According to all international crash safety organisations, drivers and passengers are much more likely to survive a crash in a Saab than in...

SAAB Safety

Crash Test Scania vs. Saab

Scania is incorporated in their trucks crash-zone. Deformation zone on trucks save lives in car-to-truck collisions. Scania’s deformable crash-zone for trucks has the potential of saving 900 lives per year on European roads. The 600-mm ”bonnet” at the front is purpose-built to...

Saab Train Crash Test

Saab vs. Train – Crash Test

"Lithuanian Railways" performed today interesting test, in order to improve safety at railway crossings.  260-ton Train (locomotive) crash into a parked Saab onto train tracks with ~40kmph. In  the Saab is set up the test dummy. Next year is planned a similar experiment,  but with faster train -...

A real life Saab 9-5 crash test illustrates how a crumple zone absorbs energy from an impact.

Saab 9-5 in real Life Crash Test

Like this example of sandwiched Saab 9-5, here's another great example of excellent set crumple zone that absorbs energy from an impact, by Saab engineers. Also, it is a Saab 9-5, which suffered a very heavy impact from behind. A real life Saab 9-5 crash test...

Saab 9-5 Moose Crash Test
SAAB Safety

Saab in Moose Crash Test Project

Magnus Gens Master’s Thesis ( in Vehicle Engineering) project was initiated in 1994 and sponsored by Skyltfonden of the Swedish Road Administration, and thesis was successfully defended in 2001. In certain areas of our planet there are big wild animals. One...

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