Tag Archives: Google SketchUp

Saab 96 in 3D Google Sketchup
SAAB Concepts

Saab 96 and Saab 95 in Google Sketchup

Swede Jakob Bonds from a designbox.se studio did a great job - 3D models Saab 95 and Saab 96. He Made a pair of SAABs using a free version of Google Sketchup. He Used in this project "the box technique" which is very powerful...

Saab 900 3D model

Saabs in 3D Warehouse

3D Warehouse contains millions of models created in Google SketchUp, the world's most popular 3D modeling and design application. Also, 3D Warehouse is the ultimate distribution platform to promote your SketchUp Models. As expected, 3D Warehousea is full od 3D models of...