Tag Archives: Saab 900

Saab 900 Turbo in video "The Saab 900 Turbo was the Tesla of its day | Revelations with Jason Cammisa"
Saab Video

Most Watched SAAB on YouTube

Jason Cammisa's recent video on how SAAB was the Tesla of its day has been a huge hit with almost 1-million views. The outlaw SPG featured in that segment was in pieces just two weeks before the camera rolled. Get...

Full CGI Christmas short, SAAB 900 | Jespersather
SAAB Concepts

Beautiful Christmas SAAB Video Greeting Card!

Merry Christmas to our fellow SAABaholics spread all over the world with one beautiful video greeting card! This beautiful video is the creation of Swedish 3-D artist Jesper Säther, who is also the technical director of the Gothenburg studio Brickland...

Brenda's favorite cars are the Saab 99 and 900 SPG
Saabs from around the World

Brenda’s short Saab story

Maybe Brenda’s Saab story we’re telling you is short, but it’s therefore long-lasting and interesting. The story is interesting because it reminds of many stories of Saab enthusiasts around the world, and it always starts with the first Saab that...

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