Tag Archives: Saab 900

Saab History

SAAB 900 “Forty” Special Edition

You are probably not aware of this interesting piece of information. Throughout its history, Saab has had "special editions" specific to almost all models, specific to global individual markets and countries where Saab cars were sold. As the classic 900...

Saab 900

Mr. Saab 900 Classic Video Story

In this case Mr. Saab is Jorrit Iepema, Graphic designer and online Marketer from Groningen Area, Netherlands. He's a real lover of Saab cars, and since he handles graphics, video and video editing, it's no wonder that he made such...

Bengt's 300 Saab cars
My Saab

Saab Cars as the Cultural and Historical Heritage

Douglas aka “Motornörd”, founder and creator of the video channel Motornörd, recorded another very nice Saab story. There are plenty of Saab aficionados still around World, And just like Saab cars are special in their own way, so is every Saab...

Saab 900 S turbo by Abel Art
SAAB Galleries

SAAB 900 S Turbo Cabriolet by Abel Art

Photographer, artist and marketer from Singapore Abel Tan (Abel Art) brings us another great series of photos of Saab cars. This time he focused on just one model, the legendary - Saab 900 Convertible in the so-called Monte Carlo yellow color...

Saab 900
Saabs from around the World

Jamie’s Saab 900

Jamie Anderson from Skokie, IL, United States, brings us another great Saab story about the restoration of his Saab 900. Regarding the restoration, he did not work alone but the whole team worked on this remarkable car project. As you...

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