Tag Archives: Saab 900

Saab 900 turbo
My Saab

The Californian’s Saab Tale

1987 SAAB 900 Turbo Convertible is for sale now, but behind the car stands a real Saab story. Current owner Max James and his father are the second owners of this SAAB having originally bought it in 1990 from the original...

Saab 900 SPG
Saab History

Saab 900 SPG

There is nothing out there that has ever compared to a Saab in terms of its ride and how it gets around in bad weather. Saab 900 is good-looking and one of the most interesting cars in all automotive history. The...

Saab 90
SAAB Reviews

Saab 90 Review by Finnish Car Guys

The Finns never had their own big car brand, but this fine example of automotive history was the closest we got to having their own car. The Saab Club of Finland tells quite a story about the relationship of us...

Saab 900 Aero (SPG)
SAAB Reviews

Saab 900 Aero – Review by Motornörd

Motornörd  (Motornörd = enginegeek literally but petrolhead is probably more correct) is a very interesting automobile youtube channel  designed and created by a Swedish car enthusiast.  It's a kind program for us who like vehicles of all its kind. He create...

Saab 900

How many Saabs left in UK?

Thanks to very detailed statistics and data that are public, owners of Saab cars in UK can easily find out how many cars there are, such as their Saab. There are several services that use these public databases, but one...

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