Tag Archives: Saab 900

Saab 900 Enduro S
Saab History

A Bullet from Sweden – 900 Enduro S

Here's an interesting article from an Australian magazine "Hi-Tech PErformance" about a special Saab 900 model - Saab 900 Enduro - special version for Australian market. The whole article is dedicated to the "super Swede" - 900 Enduro, owned by Mark Kostyrko. The...

Saab Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all Saabers!

As everybody knows, Santa Claus lives in Finland – so also his sleigh is made in Finland – actually, by Valmet Automotive as everybody can see! Just wondering how many kilometers his Saab will be doing today … But now, we...

Saab 99 hanging on railway bridge
SAAB Safety

How tough is a Saab?

There's a pic in book "The 99 & 900 Story" by Lance Cole, while they're explaining the extensive accident research Saab did during the 60's & 70's, where they actaully dropped a Saab 99 on it's roof from 2-5m. All...

Saab Convertible video
Saabs from around the World

Honey. and Saab

Honey. are making music perfect for a summer’s drive along the coast. If you’re piling into a less than luxury vehicle, these guys will made it easy to forget. Fans of The xx are going to be more than ok...

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