Tag Archives: Saab 900

Saab History

Saab Design: Convertible vs. Coupé

Should you choose a convertible or a coupe? It's an age-old debate... Convertibles usually offer some kind of fixed or pop-up roll bar to protect passengers in the event of a rollover accident. Contemporary convertible design may include such features...

Saab 900 Businness card
Saabs from around the World

The Homecoming

Here's another warm Saab family story that we believe will delight you. This story was written on one of Saab forum Kirsty Farnfield from UK. This Saab story was written on one of Saab forums by Kirsty Farnfield, and the story relates...

Saab 900 Swedish Evolution

“Swedish Evolution” by Spoke magazine

British automotive "Spoke magazine" is absolutely dedicated to classic cars. Have you ever wondered why you love the Classic Saab 900, what drew you to the car in the first place, and why you keep coming back for more? Well, the...

Saab History

SAAB in Basketball

Saab has long used sponsorship to promote the Saab brand experience. Of course, Saab is the most sponsored motorsport, but local importers of Saab cars are sponsored other sports too. In football, Swedish car manufacturers Saab became FC Manchester City’s first shirt sponsor in...

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