Tag Archives: SAAB 9000

My Saab

The Last Saab Adventurers

Here is another amazing Saab story about an exceptional adventure that Saab enthusiasts set out on with their favorite Saab machines. At the center of this adventure is Dejan Kondić, who lives and works in Munich, and his brother Darko....

9000 Carlsson
Saab History

The Top 10 Saab 9000 of All Time

Well, if until now you thought that Saab 9000 was just Saab 9000, then you completely missed the labels CD, CDE, CS, CSE, Aero, Griffin, Carlsson, Turbo16, Talladega... There are so many of them, and although you are probably a...

Saab 9000 station wagon
Saabs from around the World

Saab 9000 CS Combi

This is One-off model designed by owner Bert Karlsson and built on Lancia Thema SW. A unique Saab, named "Saab 9000 CS Combi" was built by Bert Karlsson. The creation of this special car was initiated by the launch of...

1991 Saab 9000 Turbo in Retro Review by MotorWeek
Saab History

Type Four Territory

After years of honing the 900 models and expanding them in every way feasible, Saab has topped them with a rival for Audi 100/200, various BMWs, Rovers, and some Mercedes models. It was the time from the end of the...

Saab Aero Performance Models
Saab History

Saab Aero – Performance models

Saab has always been know for fun to drive cars. And the show this even in a special way Saab has during the years made several different performance models. Most Saab enthusiasts have heard four powerful words: Aero, SPG, Viggen...

Saab 9000 Squadron
SAAB Clubs

Target 100 SAAB 9000 Event

As we announced, a specialized Taiwanese club dedicated to Saab 9000 cars (Saab 9000 Squadron) held a big rally - for their purpose of gathering - to gather over 100 car of the 9000 in one place. This time they...

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