Tag Archives: Saab 96


Classic Saab 96 Set On Fire in UK

As reported by UK newspaper, in the British Blackfield Someone set fire to a classic Saab 96. RESIDENTS have spoken of their shock after a house in their neighbourhood was targeted by arsonists. It’s thought to be the second time...


Saab 96 2T Blue Rally

This brilliant Saab Classic machine comes from Poland. It is a model  Saab 96 2T, who has appeared on IV Congress Classic SAAB Mosina 2014 in organisation Association of SAAB-GT Classic in Poland (www.saab-gt.pl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5lUBQRY5No Also, see Report on the IV Antique Saab Convention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stI_D57vb9A...


Saab 96 V4 In The Mud

Driver is Tomi Tikamäki, and video by Jent Motorsport. Great video with Saab 96 and demonstration of techniques wich was made famous by the swedish SAAB rally driver Erik "on the roof" Carlsson. "swedish flick" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMYbYooJStM...

SAAB Motorsport

Quantum IV Formula Saab

A search of the internet for "Formula S" "Formula S" will return a lot of hits of articles that describe the history of Quantum Motorcars, and the history of Formula S. Not all are consistent, so rather than repeat them...


Swedish Jet Fighter Saab 96

Amazing Saab 96 from 1972. in military style, camouflage coloring like combat bomber of World War II was shown at the auto show at the London Motor Museum. He is now on sale for 3000 British banknotes, somewhere a little more...


Tackling Boston in a Saab 96

Despite being the approximate speed of molasses but less deadly, a 1973 Saab 96 trundling around Boston, Massachusetts will either delight fellow drivers or raise bewildering, rubbernecking confusion. The citizenry -- notorious for the cursed appellation that traditionally describes their driving style...


Saab 96 crash test in 1967.

This rare video shows the first test of the Swedish Saab 96 or pioneers in the field of traffic safety. Since then, and safety of road users and the tests have progressed and come a long way, but it is...

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