Tag Archives: Saab Cars

SAAB Funny

Saab cars and “The Simpsons”

Having been on our screens for more than 25 years, The Simpsons is the longest-running animated sitcom in history and during its time has predicted its fair share of future events. If you are a long time The Simpsons fan,...

saab manufacturing

Tesla cars in the ex-Saab factory?

Are we going to see Tesla in the ex-Saab factory? If Elon Musk gives green light to this project can Tesla build cars and batteries in Trollhättan.  Tesla's current factory was once used by NUMMI — a joint venture by Toyota...

Saab cars

Orio AB: $91.3 million Net sales in 2016

Orio AB, a global supplier of Original Saab Parts, reports an operating result of MSEK -1 (-88) /-112108.90 US Dollar/ for the period January – December 2016, in which impairment of goodwill and other items affecting comparability are included to...

Saab club Belgium
SAAB Clubs

Belgian SAAB-club at Autoworld

Autoworld museum in Brussels (Belgium) has grown into much more than a museum over the last 30 years. Autoworld is a private museum which rents this building from the community. Managed by a great team and a motivated board of...

Saab 9-5 NG and Jeremy Clarkson
SAAB Funny

Saab Owners Smile

If you are the proud owner of Saab Cars, then you probably know what Clarkson's talking about and what he is really trying to say :) Yes, this is a video clip from the famous BBC show "Top Gear", in which the...

3D print Saab emblem logo

Saab AB returns to the Automotive industry!

There's a big turnaround happening at Saab AB. After the company Saab AB took the right to use the brand name from NEVS, this is great news. The last statement of the President and CEO of Saab AB indicate that the company will...

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