Tag Archives: Saab Design


SAAB – Rooted Interaction

Bryce Johnson industrial Designer from Los Angeles created this Beautiful video, the owner of two Saabs - classic Saab 900 and Saab 9-5 NG. He is product designer, with a steady focus on vehicle and product interaction design, which can be seen from...


Vision of Saab 9-5 Coupe and 9-2 Coupe

Unfortunately, These are just a vision of a designer Zz! from Budapest, Hungary. Visions that will be difficult to achieve, at least for now, as things stand for now. These are some of his vision of some future Saab cars......


Saab Design

Really, really Great footage of all things Saab. Tons of heritage, and Bjork playing in the background. Must see:...


The last three SAABs

Three all-new designs went to the dustbin with SAAB's extinction. We mourn what might have been. SAAB suffered an ignominious death in 2012, its management desperately grasping at funding throughout a protracted demise. But even as the end neared for the...

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