Tag Archives: Saab Japan

Saab Denim jeans

SAAB Jeans from Japan

Interesting, but you probably did not know - SAAB Group from Japan is a Sewing and Processing company that specializes in Jeans. This company was founded in 1987 from one of the fascinating beach town of Shonan in the prefecture...

SAAB Clubs

Saab Club Of Japan Spring Meeting 2016

Japanese club of SAAB fans regularly holds meetings, and their last gathering was organized last week. Last weekend, in the Japanese city of Sendai (East Japan) gathered the greater number of owners of Saab cars. There were various models of Saab cars,...

Saab 900 snow drive
Saabs from around the World

“SAAB Snow Attack” in Japan

We have already written on this blog about a large group of Saab fans in Japan and their regular gatherings. Their club hosts multiple events throughout the year, ranging from day drives, midnight drives, to their biggest meeting -“SAAB DAY”, Yesterday Japanese fans reunited again. The...

Saab Japan
Saabs from around the World

SAAB in Japan

Although little known, Saab cars found their way to the far Japan. And not only that, but in Japan there is a very strong SAAB club that brings together a large number of Saab fans. SAAB OWNER’S CLUB OF JAPAN founded...