Tag Archives: Saab rally

De Viking Prestatietocht
SAAB Clubs

Saab Viking Performance Tour 2020

As every year, the Saab Club Nederland organizes a rally of classic Saab cars, and this year the rally is planned for mid-November, caleld "Saab Viking Performance Tour 2020" (De Viking Prestatietocht). The Viking Performance Tour is a map-reading ride...

Saab UK
SAAB Clubs

Saab Rally and Spare Parts Day 2018

Just to remind Saabers from UK that the Saab Rally and spare parts day at Sunderland Air, Land and Sea Museum is coming up on Sunday 16th September 2018. North East Saab Enthusiastis Rally and Spare Parts Day is to...

Saab Nuts at Rally

Saab Nuts charity Banger-rally

Shawn Liegl and Phil Cymru will be representing Saab Nuts by taking part in this year's Screwball Rally, a gruelling trip across Europe in a £215 classic SAAB 900 parts car! For they, the stops will be Wales, England, France, Italy, Liechtenstein...

Saab 96 Rally of Sweden
SAAB Motorsport

Flashback: Rally Sweden Through the Ages

Exactly a month ago in Karlstad started this year's Swedish Rally  - Rally Sweden.  It is the biggest annually recurring event in Sweden, with around 200,000 spectators over four days and almost 100 million TV viewers worldwide Nowadays, on this rally...

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