Tag Archives: Saab video

Saab filled with cement
SAAB Funny

Poor Saab filled with concrete

If you do not know Brookside is a British soap opera set in Liverpool, England, and  in one of the episodes of this soap opera one Saab 900 played an insidious role. Interestingly, one of the employees in the local Saab office...

Saab 96 V4 rally
SAAB Motorsport

2018 Midnight Sun Rally

The Royal Automobile Club (KAK) was the organizer of this year's the Midnight Sun Rally 2018. FYI, In June 1904 the KAK Club arranged the first Swedish car race. Only five of the 10 participating cars made the whole race...

Saab detailing
My Saab

Always disinfect when you buy a used (SAAB) car

The Smart used-Saab buy is a vehicle into which the owner has poured his heart and soul, which is quite typical for Saab's car owners. But whether it’s heart and soul, tender loving care, or outright neglect, every car receives something else...

Saab 96
SAAB Tuning

Upgrading Saab 96 to a Two Barrel Carb

Aging Wheels is very good automotive Youtube channel, and creator of this chaneel creates excellent "Entertaining Vehicular Conten". It's a relatively new channel, authoring skills are improving with each video, including the more 'abstract' ones. Two years ago, he bought...

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