This year’s SAAB SESSION in Slovakia, was held from 06.-08.102017 in the city of Stará Ľubovňa.
This year’s event had a real international character because at the gathering there were participants from 9 European countries.
The SAAB SESSION SLOVAKIA 2017 gathered as many as 136 participants who came with 60 Saab cars. The oldest car at the meeting was SAAB 96 Granturismo 750 2T (1961), while the youngest Saab was 2011 SAAB 9-5 NG 2,8T AERO XWD.
And of course, thanks to Matthias Ketterl from Saab Session Slovakia Team who send us video report from this Saab Session:
Video is really great, and we hope that this gathering next year will be even greater, with an even larger number of participants and a larger number of Saab cars present.